Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lunch + Tea = Tunch

(ps: this pic reminds me of those doggie soft toys with BIG heads lol)

I'm still feeling horriby moody since ystd coz of my discomforts and has caused me to feel irritable..and coz I've been having only liquid stuff I do feel like I lack my hyperness and energy within me.. I was a very gd lil sis and accompanied my bro to Kovan for a car wash den picked my Mum up at home and we all went to Compasspoint during lunchtime and I enjoyed my 1st heavy food of the day - MacDonald's Hot Fudge! tasted so sweet and nice, it really made me feel so much cream really does wonders for me, puts a big smile on my face - comfort food

yet again was feeling hungry, made myself this yoghurt milkshake:

(had the Strawberry Yoghurt)

mixed with

(HL plain milk)

it's GOOOD!! yummy and filling.. try it

I've FINALLY managed to transfer my hp's pics/videos/backup contacts over to my laptop! and at the same time, added new mp3 as well! and with the pics taken using my hp, muahahaha, the bloody gross pics which I took after my dental surgery...dun cringe too much ;)

1st 2 pics where taken right after the surgery, you can tell from the fresh-looking blood! the amount of gauzes used..terrible.. haha! the blood was never-ending dats y I cried so much at the sight of it with the discomforts..

And these 2 pics, all the soaked gauzes with saliva and blood (from evening till 4+am in the morning)

wokay..the pics really look horriby sick and disgustingly bloody..even I go eeee at the sight of them