Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Just for Laughs

so cute eh?

kids, you're learning so much manz

the unexpected morning

a normal day, woke up, bathed, changed, fruits for breakkie, hurried down while my bro was waiting in the car for me..haha coz I was dilly-dallying choosing which shoe to wear today, love it when he can fetch me to the mrt.. hehe, then took the train as usual to potong pasir, and that's it.. i started to have severe pain at my abdomen, and I knew it was that same pain that would make me faint. So I walked quickly and kept telling myself that I MUST MUST tahan the pain a lot! at least till I reach my work place so that I'm with my colleagues. But I knew I couldn't bear longer, so as I walked out to the bus stop, I looked ard for a cab, but the roads were just too busy and no cabs, so I quickly sat down and unfortunately my head started to spin and was feeling giddy, could feel the slow loss of blood circulation in my head already and I was so panicky coz I kept telling myself not to black out! I'm alone with strangers ard dammnit!

True enough, just as I speed-dialled to my Mum, gone! I was blacked out, the feeling sucks and I hate it, I'm scared of it, coz it really feels like waking up from the dead, coz everyone ard you are with faces of shock...it's not when you wake up after a sleep, I was still weak and couldnt get up, so had to sit on the floor, embarrassment, loneliness, pain.

And the person that came straight to my mind was you. I wanted to hug you and feel safe in your arms. But I knew it couldn't happen, so I'm very thankful to 2 ladies who were very very nice and helpful, that they even called for an ambulance! I immediately rejected nicely, and so they needed so much of assurance from me that I'm fine, as they were worried sick as they repeatedly told me I looked very pale, my lips were white, and I was in so much sweat, as though someone splashed water at me, and then, I needa to shit..yes..stop laughing, so they willingly accompanied me to the toilet. Well, I'm glad to have met them, sadly though I'm not able to thank them with a meal or something. At least I'm proud to say that these Singaporeans are good Samaritans. Well to the 2 ladies this morning, A BIG THANK YOU to you again.

I was still having the pains and I bought a snickers bar to at least give me sugar and strength while waiting for my Mum to come. Went to my doc and she wanted to refer me to a private doc for either an X-ray or scope for the intestines, but I told her that I'll decide again. Coz I've done a uterus ultrasound before, took blood tests, results were normal and I'm not anaemic or have low blood pressure. I've read abt this kinda fainting spells and it's probably due to contractions in the intestines, and when it contracts too much, these pain occurs, whereby causing some to faint from the pain. My doctor even added that sometimes uterus contracts during mensie and so these pains occurs as well.. sighs..

well, rest today, and I'm beginning to feel happy coz my dear boy's back and he's coming here =) And just like my girl, I too have a very loving bf, know y, coz he was teasing me when I told him that this faintly spell happens every year. He was teasing me to mark today's date, and so from 1 year on, I must remember to take leave and stay at home, and tell my boss that I'm gonna faint today.. ok, it did crack me up but not when I'm in pain!?! *box you, you silly boy* ok la, you wanted to cheer me up, I shall take that as a joke then.. I dun really wanna fuss abt it either..

I'm still having pains, maybe it's mensie cramps, evil! grouchy me, anyway, I've a new blogskin! changed the original background image, added some images to my sidebar, added music! woohoo! jeannie ortego! but I think my taggie's codes are giving a lil alignment prob when viewed in Internet Explorer, been figuring out how to correct it, but the codes have no mistakes. oh well, now let's just hope I blog again regularly hehehehe *guilty grin*

and end of mth, I'm gonna shop! yes, it's been a long time *crys* recently, I've gotta new bag - bigger hehe, the bigger a bag is, the more junk I tend ta carry. But I love it alot, thanks for the surprise my dear boy. It really made my day! and yes I was very very happy that you gave me sucha surprise! I'm too shy and not bimbo-atic enought to squeeeeal in delight haha..well, I also bought a purple charm key chain to accessorise the bag. As for clothes, only bought a puff-sleeved black top. ok doks, shall update again when there's more stuff to share =) tata while I recuperate from my evil abdominal pains...