Saturday, August 26, 2006

How To Be an Understanding Boyfriend

By Ashtyn Evans Contributor's Rating in This Category: 5 Stars
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

All women want to be lucky enough to say that they have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. Women like knowing that they have a man they can depend on who will listen to their needs, wants, and desires. Most of all they like knowing that their boyfriend’s behavior makes their girlfriends jealous because it is clear that she has the best boyfriend in the bunch.

Naturally, as a man you want to know what is going to make you that wonderful and understanding boyfriend. If this is the case, you will find all you need to know and maybe a little bit more in the following article.

1. Always Listen to Everything your Girlfriend Says. Women love feeling special. You do not need to buy a woman many things to make her feel special. Actually, the easiest way to make a woman feel special is to listen to her when she talks to you.

Sure, you might not be interested in all the things that she is, but knowing that you will take the time to learn more about who she is will mean the world to her. The moment she knows that you are really listening to her she will see you in an entirely different light. This will make her think and talk about you more than she ever did before.

You can show her that you are listening to her by bringing up things she has said or surprising her with things she mentioned she liked a few days after she has mentioned those things.

2. Remember that the Little Things Count the Most. If you want to be considered special and understanding then you need to show her you are deserving of such a title. The best way to do that is to remember all the little things that are important to her.

* Keep track of special dates like anniversaries and birthdays.
* When you buy her presents, buy her things that you know she wants or that have sentimental value.
* If she is having a bad day do something you know will make her smile, be it a massage or just spending time with her.

No matter what you think you need to do to impress her, she will always remember the little things you do for her, the most.

3. Realize that All Women are not the Same. If you want to be considered an understanding boyfriend, then you need to realize that not all women are the same.

Every woman is different and as such, they all have entirely different needs. The best thing you can do is learn all you can about your girlfriend. This is going to help you see that she is not like every other girl. It should also help you see exactly why you love her.

In the meantime, you will be able to treat her better by nurturing her wants and needs in a relationship. Of course, she will equate this with your loving, understanding nature.

4. Be There to Comfort her Through the Good and Bad. If your girlfriend has a bad day because of some outside force or from PMS, she needs to know that you care. While it is true that you might not care specifically about her issues, you do care about her.

With this in mind you should take control of the situation and give her the tender loving care that she needs to feel secure. If she can come to you with her bad days, knowing you will not turn her away, then she will know that she can come to you no matter what.

This is going to be a true test of your relationship. Some days women will make little to no sense with their emotions. An understanding boyfriend does not think twice about the crazy mood swings of women, but he does know to hold her when she cries, without a second thought.

5. Know your Relationship, and Know What She Needs. No two relationships are going to be the same. While women are often the nurturers, it is common for men to be the protectors. Use this to your advantage.

If you have tried the steps above then you are no stranger to the woman who you are in a relationship with. If you have listened to what she has said then you should apply it to your relationship to make it better.

Never assume that it is her job to cook dinner every night, to clean the house for you, or to wait on you after your hard day. Chances are, she has had a hard day, too.

Relationships are give and take. Women often love to reward their men with things to make them feel special, but nothing makes women feel better than knowing their men want to do the same things for them when they have the chance.
Enjoyed my 1st half of the day today.. Met my dear girl in the morning at 401, together with Ansen, Kailun & Mal, had breakfast before heading off to SIM! many thanks to Ansen who thoughtfully offered to drive us there.. well purpose of this trip there was.. of coz to apply for studies! Decided to tag along coz it's definitely worth a try and worth the application fee of $52.50! Well, crosses my fingers we would get selected for the course - RMIT Bachelor of Business (Mgmt). Headed to town to meet our dear girl Gina for lunch at Wisma, then Pat came to meet us for lunch too..More ppl! yupz, met the guys and walked over to Heeren to chill.. Gina & I left at 4+.. had to go to church with family, coz we went out for dinner, well, gonna celebrate my mum's birthday together with my li'l cuz on Monday! double bday celebration coz my mum and her darling youngest nephew share the same bdays - 28th Aug! =)

anyway, rotting @ home... surfing thru websites, and stumbled upon this article, well I strongly feel that this quality "Communication"

Relationships And Poor Communication
C D Mohatta

To communicate means to tell about our feelings, and our thoughts. When we communicate, our words may not say precisely what is in our mind, but when somebody takes our body language and words together, he/she can probably find out what we really want to communicate. Understanding communication and making communication is both an art and a science. But it is not very difficult to learn. Relationships thrive on good communication. When both the partners know exactly what is in the other's mind, a relationship proceeds smoothly.

For example, if a partner is lethargic and keeping quiet, that also communicates something. That has to be understood by the other partner. Once both the partners understand the hidden signs and the precise meaning of what is being said, they can develop a very healthy relationship. People feel good if some body understands them. They get irritated if somebody does not understand them.

Irrespective of their own bad communication, they want people to understand them. Here lies the clue to communication and relationships. Many relationships develop despite of poor communication in the beginning. The excitement of the partnership and the euphoric love make bad communication not very necessary to make the relationship cross the threshold. But after some time, as love thins down and cracks begin developing, the need for good communication increases substantially. If you are facing a problem of bad communication with your partner, the best thing is to ask. Don’t assume the meaning, but say, darling; I am not getting what you want to communicate.

I am sorry, but please explain. Be sincere in your request. You must show that you really want to understand. Slowly the communication will begin improving. Good communication is important to sort out many issues that a couple faces in a relationship.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i'm back!! well, yes..back to blogging! haven't been updating coz i'm just too plain lazy to type.. i get distracted easily too, coz i do find it quite a bore or rather a chore to blog sometimes..anyways, now that i've got the blogging mood's a lil updates on my life so far...

  • 7 July 06 - was away @ bangkok last month for 5D4N with my dearest boy, Evan, enjoyed the trip with him coz it was our 1st holiday together and being away from Singapore is good

  • 3 July 06 - celebrated my 21st bday with my family & friends, loved my pressies lots!

  • 16 Aug 06 - Went to Balaclava with Evan and his coursemates, then he drove us down to Zouk for some Mambo Jumbo! Phuture was packed like hell, and it was my first time @ Mambo and it was hell crazy, drank quite a bit that night, but I was still sober when we left at 3am

  • 19 Aug 06 - had a ball of a time with my friends at DXO for an SIM Bash.. bumped into TP sch mates - Esther & Danny and also Sec Sch friends...gosh it's really damn nice to see them again.. I miss my poly days lots..

  • my girls

    and so 2 months have just flown by.. and time always scares me.. it's too fast for me... currently looking out for a job.. crossing my fingers tightly, been to quite a few interviews already, yet the dying-thought of futhering my studies, getting a degree is playing in my head at almost every time of the day.. anyway, I had a temp job offer and I was about to reject it when the company decided to offer me a perm instead, which really shocked me! But eventually, I was quite disappointed as the HR duties was mainly payroll..and it's not my cup of tea and not what i'm looking there goes.. but I'm real glad the interviewers were nice and understanding..

    other than that, I've basically been thinking lots abt my life, worrying each day if I'll be able to get a job with at least a gd pay coz I've been outta job for a long while already.. sometimes the thought of it terribly depresses me, leaving me very paranoid and sensitive.. I miss my ex-colleagues and working with them.. it's hard to find such colleagues like them.. and I've been enjoying reading Jas' blog! haven't seen ya for a long time already Jas, hope to meet up some day. And to my dearest girl , miss working with ya too, going to work and coming home together, bitching & gossiping abt everything..

    Probably the one up there has it all planned, probably this break was to give me a real wake up call.. I'm glad I still have my family, friends, and of coz my dear boy. He's been on MC since Monday and this time, he's sick for real and been sick since the weekends.. he was running a fever when I went over to his house on Sat. well he's all well now.. I made for him Konnyaku Jelly ystd and he loves it so much! I made 2 portions which = 50+ jellies! woah! and more than half of it have been eaten up already! yum yums! Went over today as well, we cooked lunch n dinner. Spring-cleaned the house as well, I vacuumed, he mopped. great job done by us! haha the place felt so much cleaner to breathe haha.. Thereafter, I was getting a lil I went ta swim and get a lil tan, after soo long! the pool was very tempting for a dip! =)

    ok, I'm getting sleeping, so that's all for now..will try my best to update regularly...and I'll post more pics soon.. gd nite! hmm i'm craving for ice-cream/dark chocs..oooOuh and some shopping? argh! waiting to receive some ka-ching ka-ching from my freelance.. grins.. see ya all