Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i'm back!! well, yes..back to blogging! haven't been updating coz i'm just too plain lazy to type.. i get distracted easily too, coz i do find it quite a bore or rather a chore to blog sometimes..anyways, now that i've got the blogging mood's a lil updates on my life so far...

  • 7 July 06 - was away @ bangkok last month for 5D4N with my dearest boy, Evan, enjoyed the trip with him coz it was our 1st holiday together and being away from Singapore is good

  • 3 July 06 - celebrated my 21st bday with my family & friends, loved my pressies lots!

  • 16 Aug 06 - Went to Balaclava with Evan and his coursemates, then he drove us down to Zouk for some Mambo Jumbo! Phuture was packed like hell, and it was my first time @ Mambo and it was hell crazy, drank quite a bit that night, but I was still sober when we left at 3am

  • 19 Aug 06 - had a ball of a time with my friends at DXO for an SIM Bash.. bumped into TP sch mates - Esther & Danny and also Sec Sch friends...gosh it's really damn nice to see them again.. I miss my poly days lots..

  • my girls

    and so 2 months have just flown by.. and time always scares me.. it's too fast for me... currently looking out for a job.. crossing my fingers tightly, been to quite a few interviews already, yet the dying-thought of futhering my studies, getting a degree is playing in my head at almost every time of the day.. anyway, I had a temp job offer and I was about to reject it when the company decided to offer me a perm instead, which really shocked me! But eventually, I was quite disappointed as the HR duties was mainly payroll..and it's not my cup of tea and not what i'm looking there goes.. but I'm real glad the interviewers were nice and understanding..

    other than that, I've basically been thinking lots abt my life, worrying each day if I'll be able to get a job with at least a gd pay coz I've been outta job for a long while already.. sometimes the thought of it terribly depresses me, leaving me very paranoid and sensitive.. I miss my ex-colleagues and working with them.. it's hard to find such colleagues like them.. and I've been enjoying reading Jas' blog! haven't seen ya for a long time already Jas, hope to meet up some day. And to my dearest girl , miss working with ya too, going to work and coming home together, bitching & gossiping abt everything..

    Probably the one up there has it all planned, probably this break was to give me a real wake up call.. I'm glad I still have my family, friends, and of coz my dear boy. He's been on MC since Monday and this time, he's sick for real and been sick since the weekends.. he was running a fever when I went over to his house on Sat. well he's all well now.. I made for him Konnyaku Jelly ystd and he loves it so much! I made 2 portions which = 50+ jellies! woah! and more than half of it have been eaten up already! yum yums! Went over today as well, we cooked lunch n dinner. Spring-cleaned the house as well, I vacuumed, he mopped. great job done by us! haha the place felt so much cleaner to breathe haha.. Thereafter, I was getting a lil I went ta swim and get a lil tan, after soo long! the pool was very tempting for a dip! =)

    ok, I'm getting sleeping, so that's all for now..will try my best to update regularly...and I'll post more pics soon.. gd nite! hmm i'm craving for ice-cream/dark chocs..oooOuh and some shopping? argh! waiting to receive some ka-ching ka-ching from my freelance.. grins.. see ya all


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