Saturday, March 31, 2007

random pics

Lunch + Tea = Tunch

(ps: this pic reminds me of those doggie soft toys with BIG heads lol)

I'm still feeling horriby moody since ystd coz of my discomforts and has caused me to feel irritable..and coz I've been having only liquid stuff I do feel like I lack my hyperness and energy within me.. I was a very gd lil sis and accompanied my bro to Kovan for a car wash den picked my Mum up at home and we all went to Compasspoint during lunchtime and I enjoyed my 1st heavy food of the day - MacDonald's Hot Fudge! tasted so sweet and nice, it really made me feel so much cream really does wonders for me, puts a big smile on my face - comfort food

yet again was feeling hungry, made myself this yoghurt milkshake:

(had the Strawberry Yoghurt)

mixed with

(HL plain milk)

it's GOOOD!! yummy and filling.. try it

I've FINALLY managed to transfer my hp's pics/videos/backup contacts over to my laptop! and at the same time, added new mp3 as well! and with the pics taken using my hp, muahahaha, the bloody gross pics which I took after my dental surgery...dun cringe too much ;)

1st 2 pics where taken right after the surgery, you can tell from the fresh-looking blood! the amount of gauzes used..terrible.. haha! the blood was never-ending dats y I cried so much at the sight of it with the discomforts..

And these 2 pics, all the soaked gauzes with saliva and blood (from evening till 4+am in the morning)

wokay..the pics really look horriby sick and disgustingly bloody..even I go eeee at the sight of them
woke up this morning at 6am (ard dere), and as usual I'll always just check my phone to see if I've any smses or missed calls and yeah! received a missed call at 3.12am from
9869 8234 and 2 smses from this person.. which has kept me awake since then...anyone knows who's number is this???

1st sms: "where are ya?"
2nd sms: "hey cory dun ask me who i am just tell me weather you are attach? ok?"

ps: (exact sms even if a wrong spelling error)

who are you? y do ya wanna noe anyway...

Friday, March 30, 2007

I cannot drive in the morning! was feeling so sleepy.. I U-turned and my driving instructor says I drive too fast. I MUST STOP and brake when I see a "STOP" sign! lol he kept nagging at me..

went to NTUC for grocery shopping with Mum after driving.. love to go supermarkets and buy groceries - replenished lotsa Vitagen/Orange Juice/Pudding/Yoghurt and carried a load of plastic bags full of stuff, didn't want my Mum to carry any coz of her hand aches

I'm dreading chewing..I feel very tired eating.. I chew like a rabbit/hamster/guinea pig with my outer front teeth.. the wounds are still uncomfortable.. quick heal!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

if you're feeling down... SLAP yourself, you ought to wake up and enjoy some good music ;)

Scroll over for a preview of the website or click on the link to listen to Hed Kandi Releases

thumbs up! I enjoyed the movie and I shall wait patiently till I can finally get my hands on the limited edition Adidas Watch...crosses my fingers and toes (EXCLUDING my chubby swollen cheeks)
Adidas New Watches

3 fav colours:
- black
- red
- white (but it'll turn yellow)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

currently craving to chew and chew on these food:

1. Cheesecake (feel like making some, just that I can't eat)
2. B&J's Cherry Garcia (I wouldn't even mind Mac's Hot Fudge)
3. Sushi...raw salmon...wasabi
4. Prata with lotsa curry
5. Any food that's spicy and hot!! I miss my sambals
6. Gimmie instant noodles also I will want!!

well...for now..sighs..Yakult & Campbell's Vegetable Alphabets Soup (mashed up) coz I can't bite properly...=)

I was feeling so sleepless last nite.. coz my wounds were still bleeding..gauzes after gauzes..and I couldn't bear to swallow my bloody saliva.. so the gauzes soaked up millilitres of blood + saliva and I spat it out whenever my mouth was full of the bloody saliva.. only slept at 4.30am this morning.. and woke up at 9am..took pics of the bloody mess and the stitches at my wounds, but used my mobile, so can't transfer, shall post the pics once I get it transferred to my laptop, my digicam's not with me...

the wounds still hurting, more of a bruised feeling at both sides of my gums.. still can't chew and I can't stretch open my mouth so much else I can feel the stitches.. so am sticking to liquid food... had congee for lunch, of which I only took out the watery part.. had my yakult as well hehe.. tonight shall either have my vanilla milkshake (liquid meal replacement) from Guardian (S$2.20 per 200ml packet) - it takes real good when chilled, really fill full after drinking a whole packet. If not, I always have Campbell's Mushroom Soup... got HL milk and orange juice too..

I had no appetite the whole of ystd coz the sight of the blood and the discomfort just made me not wanna eat anything.. also my tongue was still numb and still didn't go away when I slept.. but today I feel my lips and tongue already =) when I can finally chew..I wanna have Jap food and icecream..I'm craving for both now, but..but..sighs.. sad la =(

so my sleepless nite and morning was spent none other than editing my whole blog's template and adding in sidebar widgets and a horizontal slideshow at the bottom of my so happy with all the features *grins in satisfaction*

now that I've done with the blog template, I'M FEELING SO BORED AGAIN!!!! sighs, I don't wanna sleep, not sleepy..I wanna go out booohoo and I can't wait to get my new phone..

well, I'm certain of my choice of new mobile, changed my mind abt getting the Samsung 13.8 already.. soon-to-be my new phone is..... Sony Ericsson k800i (but the black version)

my bro gotta be ard to fill up the form coz he's transferring his Starhub's ownership to me, am switching to Starhub's service plan, coz 1stly, the bills are cheaper, 2ndly and most importantly, I can get my company's corporate plan's rates so lagi more cheaper =) except that I'll be using a new no, once I switch over.. that's the troublesome part..
Robin Thicke - Lost Without You

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm back home from my dental surgery...

SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE!!! my mouth has been bleeding since then...

9.30am at Paragon.. I would recommend anyone to go there coz I find that the whole dental thing is good..

Took 3 pills b4 the surgery, rinsed my mouth, and 1 doctor was present to give me the anaesthetic.. At the sight of the needle, I was feeling terriby nervous by then, I felt so weak already lol.. she poked the 0.02mm diameter thick needle into my vein and the blood ooshed out.. my conversation with her & the dentist:

Dentist (who was sitting down): are you ok?
Me:! I'm getting nervous already..
Nurse: It'll be ok..
Me: (to the doctor) So, I'll be sleeping and wun feel any pain rite?
Doctor: Yes.. (and she smiles)
Doctor: (putting in the needle and drawing in the anaesthetic) but this will sting a little..
Me: oooookaay..(silence from me) *very worried look*

fear factor..jialat

after she drew in the anaesthetic, she told me to sit back and relax..and in my mind i was telling myself "quick sleep quick sleep" I kept wondering if i would feel anything, feel any pain, still be conscious to noe the surgery many qns in my head..

but surprisingly, straightaway I knocked out! that fast!!

and when they woke me was over?! I couldn't believe it.. manz...haha I woke up feeling like a blur sotong..

I was still very groggy when I walked out..and I had to lie down in the back seat of the car..and when i woke up, my right side of the face was wet, so I tot i drooled..and I was like, wah I drooled so much manz...but nOOO! it was all blood!! i freaked out hair was wet with blood, the car seat was with blood..panic like hell, den there was so much blood in my mouth, the gauzes were soaked in mouth was very uncomfortable and the sight and feel of everything made me cry n cry.. practically my mouth was like having its period manz.. also the worst part, I can't speak properly now, mouthing of the words are hard, pronouncing it.. my Mum can't make out wad I'm tryin to say lol,
I feel so dumb..

I don't like the thought of swallowing my saliva, coz it's with blood, so I have been spitting out every now and saliva is bloody..yucks.. no pain felt yet..just a lot of discomfort, my lips, chin are swollen and numb.. I can't feel it, that I drool coz of my saliva..I can't chew.. I tried a few spoons of congee and I gave up.. I can't feel anything.. so here am I blogging my dental experience 4 teeth are in the bottle 4 expensive wisdom teeth which costs me $2,345.00..paid a maximum cap of $1,800 by Medisave, and $545 in cash..I could've gotten my IPOD video with that $..feeling so sad..sighs, nvm...anyway I'm on MC from today onwards till next Mon.. and of which I'll have to go back on Mon for a review to check if the stitches have dissolved properly, otherwise the dentist will remove it..

alrightey..I'll end here.. let's see how it'll be once the numbness wears off.. I'll be gone in 6 to 8 hours time, and the pain will start.. am so not looking forward to feeling the pain...=( someone pls sayang me la

it was a very relaxing and enjoyable trip with the girls and I'm more than glad that I made it.. Didn't matter that I had to pay 50,000 Rupiahs for a broken coffee cup, it was the company with the girls that was most important and good enough..I spent all my $100 and of which I only bought 2 Coach keyrings - 1 for me & the other for my Mum... well it's fake la, coz everything is fake there..

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007