Thursday, February 22, 2007

work has never been so relaxing after sucha long time...shiok!

I could work at my own dilly-dally pace.. clean my table, organise my desk every time I find it too messy, wash my water bottle, my coffee mugs (yes I have two, one's a tumbler, the other's my company's mug)..

that's like after a whole 2 months of work! I finally get to relax and have the time to breathe.. this month was initially a very bad month with lotsa work issues, and it 's a short month due to CNY, and so with earlier submission deadlines for all the reports. All my HR and sales reports were submitted last week, I completed majority of my charts/graphs for sales & for my dept's manpower statistics, so that's why it's an easy week =) I feel good coz this month, I handled everything on my own, with not much help from my colleague! I've learned so much stuff..

and I had a cheesecake today! my colleague bought it for me when they were out skiving away on a tea break, while I was trying to act busy with all my filings..but I do have lotsa archiving to do manz, sucha boring job.. no choice la, i'm all on my own to do my dept's HR and admin..can't wait for my colleague to be seated back in our dept..

been feeling down...but I'll let it get away coz I don't wanna continue feeling down..

anyway, have my weekends planned out already:

Sat - 1.5 hrs of driving at 2.30pm
Sun - IMM to choose my bridesmaid dress with my cousins

and it's back to work again on Monday... but nevermind, it's my life now..

head's getting heavy, been getting weird headaches for no reason, maybe it's my eyesight.. degree seems to be getting higher.. time for beauty sleepy, have been getting restless nights again..yawwnss...nites!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm terribly addicted to buttery pineapple tarts & Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream

yes, I can live on them for the whole day.. I'm having 1 after another, popping into my greedy mouth.. you bite thru to the smooth sweet taste of pineapple which blends so yummiciously with that buttery pastry which melts in the mouth, and you just go "OoooMMPPH..." haha ok, sorta exaggeratingly describing how you eat a pineapple tart..

anyway, think I've had enough of CNY goodies, my throat is itching and I'm starting to cough.. all the heatiness caused, coz majority all CNY goodies has butter and it's sinfully fattening! During the starting of last week, I had only veges, fruits, juices for dinner, for abt 3 consecutive days and I have to say that it really helped made me feel a lil more hyped up, feeling lighter and healthier of course, instead of having those lerthargic sorta feeling!

well to my close frens whom I've shared with already, here's to share with all of you now, what happened to me last nite. I had a strange, scary, freaky encounter - here goes...

Went to bed at around 1.30am +, den had this dream of 1 of my Aunt's, I was chatting with her over the phone, telling her how I was, then I started to chat with her online as well..well it was afterall only a dream, then I woke up, slightly half awake, to the strong vivid smell of cigarette smoke..and I was wondering how come, I wasn't dreaming and the thing was my windows were all closed! so I purposely ignored it, and I tried to force myself to sleep, but just then I also felt like as though someone was in the room, just started to freak me out. True enough, "they" somehow didn't want me to see them, of whom I couldn't see as well, I could only manage to open slightly 1 eye, and I couldn't get up when I wanted, I was lying on my tummy(same position as when I went to bed) and I shouted "Mummy" to call my mum, but no voice came out.. "they" prevented me from doing anything, could feel the cold wind around me, I really freaked the hell out, and "they" knew I was awake, so they left. And very strong cold wind brushed on top of me towards my window. I really wanted to scream in fright, but just couldn't, my heart was pumping so fast, really scared..

when it was all gone, I quickly ran to my parents' room and woke my Mum up to tell her what happened. Sat in the living room with her, still in a state of shock, and was telling her whether it was my grandparents.. just have no idea who "they" were. harmless though..but it's clueless and left me disturbed and wondering...Y do I experience these sorta stuff...

When I was younger, think maybe Pri 2? I was ever possessed due to black magic, by one of my relatives. Outta no reason, I started to scream and shout and none of my family could stop,control or quieten me down... I wasn't myself and that's all my family knew.. 1 of my Aunt's told my Mum to bring me to the Church of the Nativity, where the shrine of Mary is, to pray over me.. so they did so and I was ok thereafter...well so that's why I do believe in black magic/charms... I do know more, but not important to's too many stories too...

freaky eh? sharing my encounter with everyone...

My mind and heart are disturbed...i simply miss you... wake up cory

Sunday, February 11, 2007


didn't feel like procrastinating today, and to occupy myself, I decided that this blog needa to look a lil here it is! looking much better, that's how I feel, pretty much satisfied with it, but I'm sure to change it once I find that it looks boring.. teeheehee..

been catching up on movies which I missed out on, such as:

>> Along Came Polly
>> Love Actually
>> Elizabethtown
>> Employee Of The Month
>> Keeping The Faith

well, still have yet to finish the last DVD that I have in front of me - Catch Me If You Can. My brother subscribed to, which is this online DVD rental store, and I recently registered for the free trial.. just so I can get to spend my free time watching movies!

Met up with Lay Kiang after work on Fri, was really happy to see & spend time with her after quite awhile.. I enjoyed it very much coz it's not often we get to meet up, and thereafter decided to make my colleagues happy by meeting up with them for the usual Friday drinking session.. I enjoyed myself, especially the laughters and jokes!

finally got my PDL as well, and I'm gonna start my lessons tmw after work. Thankfully, my driving instructor lives in Hougang and so he agreed to drive me home after the lesson, but he speaks Mandarin!! Big big sigh! How am I gonna converse with him, duck & chicken..I am so Mandarin-inclined haha, difficult to phrase and pronounce Chinese words.. I'll try my best! Hope it all goes well tmw after work.. especially being after a work day, better be a good day at work. I still have so much work in my mind..I can't stop thinking abt work and the outstanding reports..I seem to be facing with a new challenge as each new day comes, been getting surprises in the morning when I step into my office, and it's not pleasant surprises! Surprises aka challenges are day-to-day operational issues, well I learn from them and I feel happy when the work is completed. But tmw, Monday, I know it's gonna be hell busy! 1) My Payroll has been AL or MC for 2 days. 2) My GM returns to work tmw after a team-bonding session, so it's gonna be lotsa catching up and work to follow-up..No doubt the amount of work, but I'm still looking forward to work tmw! =) I will definitely feel so much relieved once I complete those reports..time-consuming reports.. Anyway, shopped with my Mum at Bugis ystd and it was nice meeting Larry, Louis & Andy after so long. Well seeing them, made me think abt something, but let's not get into it..

whoa! i'm blogging quite a bit today eh? it's how long I haven't been here typing about my life away...since 28 Jan 07! Life has been...hmm.. good, bad, depressing, quiet, happy, sometimes feeling good abt myself that I learn to be a better worker at work, sometimes thinking abt stuff which depresses me but I tell myself to move on but I still think abt everything again haha I'm hopelessly such an unstoppable thinker. I'm an emotional freak, getting myself think abt wad has happened in my life, the people in my life, and when feelings get the better of me, I start to break down, coz end of the day I do have feelings afterall. But no matter how I feel or think or ponder or brood, whichever word to describe it, I know I will get through it and there's still many things in life that I've yet to face.. and there's alot of time.. maybe time will tell and that's wad I probably need - time... and a hope which still remains in me

but sometimes, I'm afraid that time may be a lil too late for things to happen, there's so many things in life that moves faster than time, just like how work is, when the day is so busy with work, time passes by so fast when you realised that it's already time for you work ACTUALLY end work, but you need more time coz it's just never enough of time for the work to be completed.. re-reading wad I've typed in this post, I wonder it anything makes sense o'er here, but I'm just gonna heck whether it does or does not, mind me for my grammatical errors if there is any.. ahaha oops

v'day's ard the corner..and I'm still wondering and waiting to see wad my plan will be, or most prolly no plans at work and home? it's the deadline for my reports though...