Thursday, February 22, 2007

work has never been so relaxing after sucha long time...shiok!

I could work at my own dilly-dally pace.. clean my table, organise my desk every time I find it too messy, wash my water bottle, my coffee mugs (yes I have two, one's a tumbler, the other's my company's mug)..

that's like after a whole 2 months of work! I finally get to relax and have the time to breathe.. this month was initially a very bad month with lotsa work issues, and it 's a short month due to CNY, and so with earlier submission deadlines for all the reports. All my HR and sales reports were submitted last week, I completed majority of my charts/graphs for sales & for my dept's manpower statistics, so that's why it's an easy week =) I feel good coz this month, I handled everything on my own, with not much help from my colleague! I've learned so much stuff..

and I had a cheesecake today! my colleague bought it for me when they were out skiving away on a tea break, while I was trying to act busy with all my filings..but I do have lotsa archiving to do manz, sucha boring job.. no choice la, i'm all on my own to do my dept's HR and admin..can't wait for my colleague to be seated back in our dept..

been feeling down...but I'll let it get away coz I don't wanna continue feeling down..

anyway, have my weekends planned out already:

Sat - 1.5 hrs of driving at 2.30pm
Sun - IMM to choose my bridesmaid dress with my cousins

and it's back to work again on Monday... but nevermind, it's my life now..

head's getting heavy, been getting weird headaches for no reason, maybe it's my eyesight.. degree seems to be getting higher.. time for beauty sleepy, have been getting restless nights again..yawwnss...nites!



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