Sunday, January 28, 2007


i've been having this headache since saturday morning..and just when I was happy that it was gone, it came back this afternoon again, it was aching that I took an extra panadol, couldn't tahan.. my tooth ached on thurs as well after eating mentos!

after work on fri, followed my colleagues to Crew Room at Katong, they shared with me alot of work and the company.. and advised me on quite alot of work issues as well, it's terrible how work can be so political..and clumsy me, while walking along the pavement, it was uneven la, but also dunno how I lost my balance, fell on my right knee, resulted with my knee cap having abrasions and some on my right ankle as well...and my colleagues kept laughing at me! blardee hell, kept teasing me that I dunno how to walk..had prata supper with them then took a cab home on my own.. some of my other colleagues went to another place to chillout..

and it has been a very tiring week, so I've been pretty lazy this weekend, was sleeping away on my Saturday, had a headache, so continue to lie down in bed till I finally got outta it to get ready to go to church, den had dinner at my relative's house with all my other relatives and cousins..watching soccer on tv..godparents couldn't come coz they had a wedding dinner,and by the time I reached home it was midnite and it was off to bed after surfing the net...

woke up early morning today to accompany my cousin to find heels for her wedding and to IMM to try her 2nd fitting of her dresses, together with my cousin-in-law as well, my bro drove them dere.. it was evening when we reached home and then I had my headache again.. urgh.. still feeling very tired so I'm gonna sleep now, and it'll be a new week tmw onwards! nites all

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've been having great long lunches since Monday this wk and am enjoying every bit of it..we left at 1240pm today and reached office at 3pm! but it definitely feels good to travel ard for lunches.. it's a good time to take a break from work..

here's why..

Place : Opposite ABC Broadwrick Hawker Food Court, Alexandra
Lunch : Malay Chicken Rice & Apok Apok

Place : City Plaza
Lunch : Halal Chicken Chop with mashed potato & fruit salad


Place : Bukit Merah
Lunch : Thai Muslim Food - Rice/Prawn Tom Yam Soup/Chicken Omelete/Sambal
Sotong/Sambal Kangkong/Fried Sambal Fish

Place : Punggol Marina
Lunch : Chilli Crab/Black Pepper Crab/Mee Goreng/Garlic Prawns/Fried Tofu/Vegetables

spare me!!! haha! enough of food la

My dept can be our company's food makansutra tour guides..actually I guess my whole company really enjoy eating - it was someone's bday today and there was a KFC feast going on, it smelled like there was a KFC branch in our company, from the recep area I could smell KFC! But coz our dept is down at the 1st floor, we weren't invited to join in.. we're planning so many other places to go eat at.. work's never-ending as always, I stayed back till 730pm just's the latest I've stayed back so far..

it's finally friday tmw..shall find something to do.. been rather relaxing for me lately...resting quite alot coz I've been home most of the time, partly coz I've been ending work late, and I just dunno how late I'm gonna stay..

I've been craving for lotsa desserts! ice-cream, chilled mango sago, pulut hitam, chendol with lotsa gula melaka... drooools

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

An Advance Happy Birthday to Jasmine!

No matter how tired everyone was from work or school.. we all had a great time catching up with each other, just being able to see everyone again is more than happy enough...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Cuppycake Song

who sang it?? none other than this super uber adorable sweet girl...

Click here to see the video

Monday, January 15, 2007

spent my wkend at home... so it was facing the laptop the whole day and I became engrossed browsing thru websites with brushes, patterns, illustrations and downloading them blogskin which I edited and designed, got a bit of alignment prob though...anyways, my Uncle, Aunt & cousin, came over ystd to ask for permission from my Mum, that I be the main bridesmaid for my cousin's's just for formality purposes.. gonna go check out dresses this coming Sunday with my cousin..

I've had a huge appetite since ystd.. terribles! dun noe y I ate so much the whole day's been a long time since I ate and ate and yet feel hungry.. and my food digested very fast too haha this has to stop!! needa take wedding photos and I don't wanna look chubby or fat or ugly or bloated... ;)

lunch with my colleagues today, drove to Bukit Timah (Ikea area) to have the super yummy Malay Chicken Rice, then they were sharing how fun it used to be when they had tea-breaks so often - on who would be the one buying apok-apoks or goreng pisangs,who would be the coffee-boy and how everyone always enjoyed today, 1 of my colleagues really went to buy apok-apok and coffee/tea for all of us! so sweet! and in total I had 3 cups of coffee today! caffeine-overload manz but I love coffee so much, though it's bad to have it too much...i'm addicted to it..left work at 7pm, wanted to stay longer, but my boss told me not to stay too late..and I was feeling tired too.. so brought my work home.. which I'm gonna finish it up now..

been having alot of stuff goin thru my mind...disturbing & distracting the hell outta me, but I should just try to ignore and try not think too much, life for me has become quieter and at times I always just want to blank away and not think at all.. and luckily work does stop me from thinking abt everything, make my mind busy with work, but then it hits into my head again, but I tell myself to forget it and concentrate on my work instead..

it wasn't a good year end and it wasn't a good start of the year and it hasn't been a good year yet...sometimes I don't see why I have to bother so much, yet I still do.. chocs time!! ferrero rocher for now.. shall go buy dark bitter ones soon

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

TTSH Walk-in Clinic has reverted on my 1st appointment with NNI Clinic. Medical fees are super ex nowadays.. gotta check if I can claim for it..

Date: 7 February 2007, Wed
Time: 9.40am
Doctor: Dr. Loh Ngai Kun

back to work, so much work to see to...sighs =(

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

it's been an extremely tiring day for me! decided to just leave the rest of the work for tmw, left work at 645pm, think my boss was feeling tired and worked out as well, could see from his face and so he left b4 6pm. As for me, I had so much work to do.. from the moment I stepped into my office, and my desk was already covered with so much papers everywhere... wad a sight to start off my day, already telling me it's time to work and work! time passes just too fast when I'm occupied with work..with my whole desk messed up, all covered with files, papers, with me just working and working non-stop, taking glances at the clock in front of me, taking toilet breaks, having coffee, and basically my eyes are glued to my desktop's screen, then I'll get distracted with my colleagues asking and calling me for this and that.

My colleague is no longer seating in my dept, she has since moved her desktop ystd to the training room to be full-time on her current project. so it's just me on my own to take over the work - hr, admin, sales admin etc...but busier as it gets, I'm feeling very hyped up and feeling such a workaholic as well, guess when I start to do something at work, I just keep going, drains my energy..was having a bad headache at 4pm ard there, so I had to take a break, made coffee for me & my colleague, joked with my colleagues. My Ops Mgr is vulgar! haha, he said the words "blardee hell ccb" so louddd, and we laughed so loud, he was so malu, coz it's not the norm for him to burst that out so loud..hilarious, that's the fun part abt my colleagues...

anyway, my spent my day ystd sleeping after TTSH.. I shan't grumble abt the whole sitatuation of going thru the reason of getting the medical report, but I shall say that it's a good thing coz I'm gonna start my check-ups for my faintings.. Went to the walk-in clinic doctor (he agreed that the whole thing was a waste of time as well), but coz I have to do a thorough check-up, so he referred me to the Neuroscience Clinic, which is strictly by appointments only. I should be getting a call from them this Fri/Sat to know when my 1st appt will be... so guess I'm gonna step into TTSH rather often from then onwards, depending on wad kinda medical check-up I'll have to go feeling worried actually, just thinking of what kinda test I might have to take.. I've had enough of blood tests, the thought of it makes me feel so weak, it's like a fear to me, all coz of dengue fever..

I'm feeling so tired that I have no appetite.. just drank half a cup of milk.. and listening to music now to relax my mind! enough said.. laters

Monday, January 08, 2007

on leave for today - 9 Jan =) gonna go TTSH later to get a medical report from the hospital doc.. then will head down to Ubi thereafter to apply for my PDL.. so pissed with the whole thing, wasted quite a lot of time, juz bcoz of my itchy-fingerness to tick the box where it states sudden fainting/attacks... sighs oh well, but nvm, it'll all be over soon

was out visiting on Sunday with family, went to visit my grandaunt at St. Joseph's Home first, her pic is below. IJ students did those pictures for all the aged in the home and had them pasted on the walls outside their rooms.. and my godpa didn't want us at his place so early coz they were preparing dinner, so we went for a car wash, and drove around my dad's neighbourhood where he grew up and lived.. my parents were damn cute la, they were reminiscing their past, telling where they used to meet up always, where they used to walk, wad my Dad used to buy for my Mum for supper, which shops were ard then and are no longer ard anymore.. and of course, I got to see my Dad's house, which has since had its gates painted yellow now..eeew, anyways, took a pic of it for my Dad.. it's so amusing thinking of how my own parents used to pak-tor then...but they went thru a lot too because of an inter-racial marriage, which my Dad's family was against with.. till today, I still dunno who my (dad's side) uncles, aunties, especially cousins are.. I've only seen one uncle whom my Dad is close with now..and every other relatives and cousins that I have now are from my Mum's side - the Gragok side.. the family tree on my Mum's side is mad enough la, for so many years, everyone has always been bringing up the plan of doing up our family tree, but since then, nothing has been done..

and I'm gonna be 1 of the 3 bridesmaids! The wedding date is confirmed - 10 March 2007, church & priest are confirmed as well.. so my cousin will wanna go check out the dresses soon.. First time being a bridesmaid, and especially for my own close cousin, really feeling very excited abt it..

it's raining a lil now, and I should go sleep now... will be back again to blog more..but not sure when la lol...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


sucha sweet coaster which is gonna be with me at my desk in office
was out at town with my Mum ystd.. main purposes were to exchange 2 items which I bought for xmas - a dress & heels. the red colour of the dress ran, so there were blotches of red over the white area of the dress, and I only had the chance to wear it once! but luckily managed to change to another dress..but it's a black-coloured dress again! urgh..I must not get anymore black-coloured clothes..need more colours in my wardrobe.. but thankfully, my Mum chose for me another red-coloured bustier dress at Far East Plaza and I love it alot, it's much more nicer than the one I bought for xmas.. so now I shall look ard for a nice red-coloured patent pumps to match the dress.. gd for CNY! also bought for my Mum an xmas gift, a wallet from Accessorize.. and I nagged at her that she MUST use it, coz the stuff that either me or my bro or my cousin buy for her, she will nv use, then she'll keep them for soo long, until she forgets abt it and then she sees other new stuff..

was supposed to meet up with Mark last nite too but he was sick and wanted to stayed home la

anyways, woke up early today to attend a funeral wake just near my house at the Church of Nativity... My ex-Cathecism Teacher's husband passed away..and she was telling us how sudden his death was.. within just 20 mins, he was complaining of tightness in the chest, chest pains, and he just passed off thereafter in the wee hours on New Year's Day..and he didn't even say a goodbye to his wife who was at home with him.. It was a painless and sudden death.. just imagine how sudden God just wants to take a life away.. part and parcel of life, you are born flesh & blood and you will turn into ashes..and lots of ppl are dying coz of heart problems..

after that, went down to TTSH coz my Mum bugged me to see the doc for my medical report for driving..but it was a wasted trip coz I didn't realise today being a P.H., it's closed.. so came back home..slacking, surfing websites, and came across quite nice stuff like pumps, accessories, but can't shop online, coz it delivers to UK area and the only thing I've gotten online was my Birken.. thinking of askin Emma (my UK cuzzie)..

gonna go to Changi Hospital later in the evening...cousin called to inform that my Aunt's in hospital.. laters
